Data rozpoczęcia 20.04.2023
Godzina 12:10 - 12:30
Miejsce imprezy Alchemium Politechniki Łódzkiej
Adres ul. Żeromskiego 114
Numer sali 1
Rodzaj imprezy
Organizator Politechnika Łódzka - Centrum Nauczania Matematyki i Fizyki
Prowadzący imprezę dr inż. Małgorzata Terepeta, prof. uczelni
Adresaci imprezy
Szkoły ponadpodstawowe
Opis imprezy
One, two, wengi-wengi – that’s how Kali, Staś and Nel’s friend counted in the novel „In Desert and Wilderness” by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
Kali referred to all the numbers bigger than 2, as wengi-wengi (meaning: plenty), and it did not matter to him whether it was 15 or 29 or any other ilio bigger than 2.
What does wengi-wengi mean to us and how to write down such numbers?
Although we often use the words “ilion” and “ilion”, there exist some other numbers, such as “trillion” and “septillion”, which are used quite rarely.
We are going to show you how to write large numbers not only using powers of 2 and 10, but also factorials and Steinhaus symbols.